Thursday, January 15, 2015

Rules to Follow if You're New to the Gym

So you joined a gym as part of your New Year's Resolution, congratulations and welcome! The gym you go to should be a place you feel comfortable. Now perhaps you haven't set foot in a gym since high school, or you've never even seen a weight room, here is some etiquette to help you adjust to this new part of your lifestyle.

1) Personal Space: This should be a given in all situations (except perhaps the subway where you can't avoid it) but for some reason newbies tend to follow too closely to gym goers who know what they're doing. Now it's fine to watch and learn, hell, even say "excuse me" and ask for help or advice, but don't just bring your yoga mat right next to mine when there is plenty of open space!

2) Clean Up After Yourself: Again, this should be a given,  yet people still leave things all over the gym. The staff are not your moms and it's disrespectful to other gym goers. Most gyms have sanitizing spray or wipes––for god's sake wipe the machine when your sweaty ass is done with it! Also put weights back on the racks when you are done, not only does it make it easier for others to find what they're looking for, but it's a safety issue too. I can't tell you how often I've seen people trip or stub their toes on dumbbells left on the floor.

3) Ask First: If you see someone standing near a machine or weight rack or other contraption, before just sliding yourself in––ask if the person/people near it are using it. Or wait if you see a water bottle or jacket or something is left near it. Some people will use their rest time to get up or move around a bit rather just linger on what they're using.

4) Be Considerate: You should be overall, unless you were raised by cavemen. Treat others how you want to be treated, and remember you are not the only person in the gym. Avoid talking on your phone or to your girlfriend obnoxiously loud. Don't get pissed at the staff for something another gym goer did (do voice your concern in a respectful manner). If you aren't focused on your workout (i.e. sitting on your phone on a machine for more than 2 minutes) move along so someone else can use it. And again, ask questions, talk to people. No one will be pissed at you if you say "excuse me"(just don't do it while someone is in the middle of their set!)

5) Enjoy your gym time: For me, gym time = me time, I put in my headphones, bop around to my music, and focus on the task at hand. The gym helps me de-stress and makes me feel good. Working out releases endorphins, take advantage of the high! Wear gym clothes that make you look and feel good! Make yourself a pumping playlist! If you are not comfortable at your gym, you may need to find another. No reason to put yourself in a bad situation.

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