Thursday, January 22, 2015

National Healthy Weight Week

Apparently it's National Healthy Weight Week, and this has been an occurrence for the last 20-something years. I don't know why it's the first I'm hearing about it and why it isn't made into a bigger deal.

When talking about weight most people go straight for the negative. That they've gained weight or need to lose weight or go on some crazy strict diet. Everyone forgets that while it's important to have a healthy weight, it's also important to have a happy weight. Not every person at the same height is going to have the same healthy and happy weight. When considering a healthy weight, you need to take into account genetics, sex, activity level, bone density, fat/muscle percentage, and other factors. There is a not a universal weight associated with each height.

Which is one reason why I hate BMI, but it is a good place to start to get an idea of a healthy weight. BMI only takes into account your height and weight, so it should not be the only thing you measure when determining your weight or fitness goals. Take measurements of your body, and go based on how you look and feel in your clothes as well. Don't make dropping pounds so much of the goal, make fitting into smaller sized jeans or a dress your goal. Or having more muscle or more energy. Make it about how you feel too. Do you feel comfortable in your body?

One thing I am having a hard time accepting is my current weight. No matter how I change up my diet or exercise routine, the number on the scale is the same. It's been for about a year. And as much as I really want to lose those stubborn 5 pounds, I can't seem to. My body has changed though, I notice it in the way I look and the way my clothes fit. So it seems that the number on the scale is what my body is designed for. And while I have been able to get to my goal weight (118-120lbs) in the past, I was also a lot younger, and the older you get the more your body changes. So as much as I hate that I can't get below 125lbs on my 5'2 frame, I have to realize that this is what my body is made for. I have a lot of muscle from a lifetime of sports and many years of gym-going, and weight problems are in my genetics, so I will never be really tiny. Which is OK. I'd rather be muscular than skinny, because that's what fits my body type.

Don't fight with the scale, don't obsess over it either. Use it as a guide, same goes for BMI. Measure your goals with how you look and feel. If you feel miserable because of your diet or exercise routine, then it's not for you. Make it a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix. Find a balance of what makes you happy and healthy.

**This article on Yahoo! is a good read, and no matter your health or fitness goals, you should take a look at it,**

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