Tuesday, December 16, 2014

All About Those Legs

Everyone knows it's important to work your legs, but some people skip them (*cough*big bulky upper body men*cough*). Why would you ignore something that you rely so much on?? Where would you be without your legs to stand on??

Don't be that guy (or girl). It's also important for your joints (mainly knees) to have strong legs. Take the pressure off your bones and build the muscle around them! While this applies to every part of your body, we rely on our legs to sit, stand, walk, run, etc. So treat them well!

Don't forget to warm up and stretch before any strength training. And be sure to include exercises that work your hips and glutes too, since they are all connected and rely on each other to function at optimal performance.

Now here's a dozen workout ideas to get those legs going:

1) Leg Press

2) Squat

3) Squat variations (Sumo, elevated, jump)

4) Lunges/Reverse Lunges/Side Lunges

5) Leg Curl/Leg Extension

6)  Front/Side Leg Lifts

7) Bottom Leg Lifts

8) Fire Hydrants

9) Donkey Kicks

10) Wall Sits

11) Planks

12) Hip Adduction/Hip Abduction

Now embrace the power of strong, sexy legs! Comment with your favorite leg workout!

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