Thursday, December 18, 2014

Beat Belly Bloat

If there's one part of the body that most people want to change, it's their bellies. Women strive for a flat tummy while men hope to sculpt a six pack. There are so many diet products on the market that claim they will zap belly fat, but nothing beats old fashioned diet and exercise.

Now, you can exercise for hours every day, but coupled with poor nutrition it won't give you what you want. Repeat after me: You can't out-exercise a bad diet! Now when I say diet I don't mean a temporary fix or crash course to weight loss. I mean your dietary intake based on physical needs (and sometimes wants). Our bodies need a balance of carbs, fats, and protein. Based on your height, weight, age, sex, (and medical history) you can determine the amounts of these that your individual body needs. There are plenty of calculators on the internet that can give you an idea, but if you are serious about it, you may want to see a dietitian and/or nutritionist, especially if your case is the need for extreme weight loss (i.e. obesity).

Here's some tips and workouts I follow:

1) Water - drink lots of it! Aim for a gallon per day.

2) Tea - any flavor you like, but don't add milk, sugar, or any other stuff. Drink it pure.

3) Fruit - depending on the type you choose will help curve sweet cravings, provide fiber, and hydrate your body (apples, grapefruit, grapes, pears).

4) Russian Twists - Grab a medicine ball or dumbbell, heaviest you can hold without sacrificing form and bend your legs off the ground, so your body is a V shape. Twist from side to side, do 10-15 reps per set.
5) Leg Lifts - Lay on your back, entire body straight, hands under your butt. Slowly lift your legs up a few inches off the ground hold for 10-15 seconds then lower without touching the floor! Do 5 sets of 10. You can also work your legs a little extra by lifting them up and spreading and bringing back together before lowering.
6) Starfish Abs - Lay on the ground with your arms and legs out, making the shape of a star. Using your core bring your arms and legs together so you curl into a ball, then release back into the star shape. Do 5 sets of 10.
7) Spider Kicks - Get on your hands and knees, keep your back flat, start by lifting your (still bent) right leg out to the side, bring it in tight then straight out back. The leg should be in a sideways position the entire time. Do 10, then switch legs.
8) Ab Frogs - Similar to the Russian twist starting position, make a V shape with your body and have your legs off the ground. Wrap your arms around your legs then release while stretching legs and arms out away from you, then grab again. Do 5 sets of 10.

 **Try to limit your salt/sodium intake, avoid processed foods that are full of gunk our bodies don't want or need, and when possible aim for all natural or organic products**

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