Monday, October 27, 2014

Things Female Gym Rats Are Tired of Hearing

1. Do you have to work out that much?

Umm yes, because once or twice a week does nothing to change you (granted it is better than 0, but you can't expect real results either)

2. You can't lift heavy weights, you'll get too bulky!

You need to lift weights to build muscle, more muscle = better ability to burn calories and fat

3. Aren't you afraid you'll look like a man?

No, because muscles = fit, and fit beats skinny every time.

4. If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat!

That is not how this works, your body always has muscles, it's just a matter of if you use them/tone them and lose fat surrounding them that makes them visible. 

5. Real women aren't muscly!

WRONG. Real women are fat, skinny, muscular, black, white, purple, tall, short. We come in all shapes and sizes.

6. So is your diet nothing but meat, veggies, and protein shakes?

We eat healthy, but know how to treat ourselves. We are fitness fans, not professional bodybuilders.

7. Can I help you with that?

Nothing irks a female more than when a guy offers to help them at the gym, thinking they don't know what their doing. I mean unless we are clearly trapping ourselves under the weight of a bench press––we got this.

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