Thursday, April 23, 2015

Love Your Lines - Body Acceptance

Another movement has taken social media by storm with the tag #LoveYourLines

Women are posting photos of themselves proudly showing off their stretch marks. Anyone can get them, whether from pregnancy, gaining or losing weight, or from growth spurts during puberty. It doesn't matter your size, height or age, it can happen to anyone. Even models.

It started with two mothers and really took off when model Chrissy Teigen posted a photo to Instagram of bruises on her legs and you can see some stretch marks on her thighs. The caption reads "stretchies say hi!"
Women are posting personal photos of their marks and many are saying how or what they're from. Some are marks of empowerment from losing weight or battling obesity, and some are marks of love after giving birth. Every woman has a story behind their lines, and this trend is all about learning to love oneself. Embrace the lines, the scars, the marks, whatever you want to call them––they don't make you any less of a person, they add to your character.

Our bodies can do amazing things, especially women's when you think of how they change to create and nurture another human life. We all go through changes with our bodies, so there is no shame in any marks that may be left behind. Don't hate them, embrace them. But if they honestly bother you, there are options such as laser treatments or surgeries. But why go through such a procedure when you are perfectly normal? You are human. You are imperfect. And that's totally okay.

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