Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Run? I Thought You Said Rum!

Why everyone should run, even just a little bit, coming from someone who HATES running.


I hate running, always have. I struggled my whole life with running because of Asthma and being overweight or out of shape as a kid. Now I have bad knees from a car accident. I am doomed. But I still run. I may not run for long periods of time or at a fast pace, but I do it. It's good for you. As is any and all cardio. You cannot lose body fat without cardio work. I am a big believer in strength training, and incorporate weights into all of my workouts, but you cannot target body fat. You cannot aim to lose just the fat in your stomach or on your arms or legs. You can only aim to lose overall body fat. And the way to do that is with cardio. And running is the best kind.

Why? Because it's easy. It doesn't seem it if you have health problems or are out of shape. But all you need is a good pair of sneakers. You can run anywhere. Inside, outside, on a track or a trail, up stairs or on a treadmill.

I hate running, but I do it. My main concern is causing further injury to my knees or embarrassing myself by falling off the treadmill. It has been a game changer to me, as many runners will tell you, when you see yourself able to run a little faster or farther. I cannot run for more than 5 minutes straight, but I am proud that I can do even that. There was a time I couldn't do more than 2 or 3 minutes. I used to keep the treadmill speed at 4.0, which is like a jog for me (or fast walk for others), but now I can run at a 5.0 or 5.5 speed. If I'm feeling brave I'll run at a speed of 6.0 (not for very long mind you).

These are my PRs, being able to keep moving even when I want to just quit and fall off the back of the treadmill, and I am proud of it. A coworker of mine, who also struggled with her weight her whole life has found a love in running. She's constantly sharing running things with me and trying to get me to do a 5k or some other run with her. I'm not there yet, but maybe it can be a health goal. Runners come in all shapes and sizes and everyone has their own reasons for running.

So give yourself a reason to run. Whether it is to lose body fat, go down a dress size, increase stamina, or de-stress. Find your reason to run and go do it. And invest in a good pair of sneakers, a pair that is comfortable and that you love. You should feel good while running (or doing any activity)! As I've said before, wear what empowers you. When you look good––you feel good, and vice versa.

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