Friday, March 6, 2015

Take Your Workout Outside

I know with the way this winter has been, it's difficult to imagine green grass and sunny skies, but spring is just a few weeks away! If you're sick of being indoors, soon enough you can soak up some vitamin D with great pleasure. Now what about your workout? You don't have to be cooped up in the gym every day, you can breakup your routine by doing it outside. It's no doubt that fresh air is good for you, and it will help you breathe better while exercising.


Here are some ways you can take your workout outside:

1) Create an outdoor gym - If you have a patio or deck, or live near a park with a flat area, you can bring some lightweight equipment with you. Grab your yoga mat, dumbbells, kettle bells, and jump rope.

2)  Go for a walk/jog/run - Through your neighborhood or if you live near a park or trails. It'll be a nice change of scenery from the treadmill, and get your body burning more calories because of the different movements you'll make while being on different terrain.

3) Play a sport - Grab some friends for a pickup game, or join a non competitive league (unless competitive suits your fancy). Softball, volleyball, basketball, kickball, or soccer––to name a few team sports that often have a variety of leagues or provide ease of play for people of all skill levels.

Need more convincing?

Some benefits of working out outside:

1) You'll avoid germs - being in a gym with so many people breathing heavy, coughing, sweating, and touching everything (especially those that don't wipe equipment when they're done), you are exposed to germs everywhere, and being indoors keeps them circulating in the air.

2) You'll breathe better - Nothing beats fresh air, and because you won't be surrounded by a bunch of people in close proximity, it'll be easier to breathe.

3) You'll feel like you're getting somewhere - this is for those who obsess over the treadmill or elliptical. Instead of being a mouse on a wheel, you'll be seeing different things and have greater range of movement.

4) You'll feel better mentally - people are products of their environments, and our moods change with the seasons. Being outside will help you to relax and feel more open. Nice weather can uplift your mood, and what better way to enjoy it than being out in it?

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