Wednesday, March 4, 2015

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month, and what better way to celebrate than to make those changes you promised on New Year's Eve a reality. If you've stuck to your resolution regarding a healthy lifestyle, good for you! If you've fallen off the wagon, now's your chance to drive the train!

According to, "National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education and information campaign created annually in March by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits."

Having healthy habits is important for everyone, regardless of current health conditions, age, sex, or culture. Anyone can make the changes necessary to have a better lifestyle. If nutrition is new to you, start off small. Making even the slightest changes to your diet or activity level will help make a difference.

The important thing to remember is that there is no single miracle diet––the same plan will not work for everyone. You need to find what works for you and your health goals. Knowing basic nutrition facts and the essential nutrients all bodies need will help you to make better food decisions.

And be sure to keep active! You can follow the food pyramid to the T, but if you are not moving about, your body will not change. Be sure to have a minimum of 30 minutes per day of activity to be happy and healthy. Remember: exercise releases endorphins, and endorphins = happiness.

This link provides sub-links to handouts and tip sheets. Great to print out and have posted for yourself as reminders or motivation, or if you are a trainer or teacher, or work at a gym, school, or other place that promotes being healthy.

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