Friday, September 5, 2014

Workouts You Can Do Anywhere!

No gym required! No excuses! Even a little bit of movement is better than none, so don't use "I work too much" as an excuse. You can do these few exercises even in the office!

Here are 5 exercises you can do anywhere at any time! Do as many reps/sets as you can. Start off slow if you're not a very active person and increase over time.

Step ups:

Find some stairs and with one leg at a time, step up onto the bottom step, after both legs are on it, step down one leg at a time. Do as many as you can in 1 minute intervals.

Chair Squats:

Stuck at a desk all day? Well get up. Now sit back down. Make sure you are pushing your butt out as you lower yourself to the chair. Use the muscles in your quads to take the stress off the knees. Do 3-5 sets of 10 reps.

Calf Raises:

While standing around (perhaps waiting by the water cooler or the copy/fax/printer machine) have your legs together with your feet forward, keep your legs straight and raise up onto your toes and come down without your heels touching the floor. Do as many reps as you can. You can also vary these by doing some sets with your feet pointed outward or inward.

Wall Sits:

Get your back against the wall and lower yourself so your legs are at a 90 degree angle. Keep your back up straight and tighten your core while using the strength in your legs to hold yourself up. Try to hold for 30-60 seconds. Do 3 sets.

Push Ups:

Probably best to do this on your lunch break and not just randomly in the office, but whatever floats your boat! Push ups are a great move (if done properly! I'm talking to you people with your butts in the air!) to work some of the largest muscles in your body. Push ups work not only your arms, but your back and core! Do 3 sets them in reps of 5-10 depending on your activity level.

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