Friday, September 12, 2014

Little Ways to Motivate Yourself

We could all use motivation, and it doesn't have to come from others. Sometimes the best motivator is yourself! It's your body and mind that's at work anyway. So here are some ways to boost your ego.

  • Buy sticky notes and write yourself notes and leave them all over. I personally keep a few around a mirror in my room. Things like "you are beautiful" "smile" "keep up the good work" and other positive sayings can change your mood/mindset.

  • Is there a shirt or outfit you've got your eye on, but doesn't quite fit yet? If you're working on a fitness goal, buy that item and save it for when it does fit as a reward. It will also motivate you just by seeing it hanging in your home to stick to your goals.

  • Get a jar. For every visit to the gym, or physical exercise/activity you do, put a dollar in the jar. Set a goal, like $100, and then use that money to treat yourself to something nice. *New shoes are always great*

  • Are you a technology fanatic? Then download a fitness app such as My Fitness Pal, Lose It, Weight Watchers, or Nike Training Club. There are tons more, so find the one that suits you best! If you're a visual person, having an app to track your progress will be very beneficial. Also having a pedometer or heart rate monitor is another great way to use technology with your fitness plans. I personally love my Fitbit for daily use, and my Polar heart rate monitor for the gym! Seeing the stats really gets me going.

  • Hide the scale! Yes I said it. While seeing the numbers go down feels great, it isn't so great for your psyche. Especially if you become a scale addict and weigh yourself too often. The number can fluctuate so much that in the end, it will only drive you nuts. Also, if your goal is to lose inches, seeing what you weigh in pounds will not benefit you. Instead, buy a body tape measurer and check your measurements every week or every other week. Use a notebook to log your progress.

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