Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Gym Personalities

We see them, we know them with one look, those people at the gym. Granted almost everyone has a gym membership nowadays, and everybody is different, but there are those few stereotypes you will see if you are a regular gym goer. Not saying that everyone fits into one of these categories, but these are just some of the most common ones I've seen. I'm sure there are more that others can think of, so please share!

Upper Body Guy - Never (or barely) works out his legs, has massive upper body strength and toothpicks for legs. Everything from the waist up looks great. But how is he not toppling over from his own weight??

Social Butterfly - The girls who come to the gym just to hang out, gossip, and try to pick up guys. They tend to walk around, occasionally pick up a weight, but mostly they just chatter on the cardio machines.

The Lunk - The big beefy guy walking around in a muscle shirt, drinking his protein shake, and dropping his giant barbells obnoxiously. He looks like (and probably can) he can lift a truck. Okay, we get it, you want to be the next Hulk.

The Beauty Queen - There's always that one perfect girl. She's got a fit body with perky boobs and a butt and never sweats. Her makeup and hair are always done. She looks ready for a photo shoot, not a workout. Tends to make the sweaty, hard working girls jealous.

The Mayor - The one who is always greeting people, chatting up the gym staff, walking around talking to everyone. They know all the info on the gym, what's working, what's broken, when something new is coming in. They spend more time talking than lifting. Too bad the only muscle they're working is their mouth.

The Pig - The person who is dripping in sweat and for some unknown reason refuses to wipe down a machine they have used. They never re-rack their weights, leaving them wherever they finish. In the locker room they take up an entire bench with all their clothes sprawled out. They have no consideration for others.

The Couch Potato - The person who just zones out in front of the TV on a cardio machine, occasionally will use weight machines, but most often are too busy reading or playing a game or video on their phone/tablet. Just because you're at the gym, doesn't mean you're working out.

The Self Absorbed - Similar to our social butterfly and beauty queen, usually decent looking and constantly checking themselves out. Always stopping in front of a mirror, and infamous for taking selfies rather than their workout (#GymSelfie). Barely breaking a sweat and still looking good when they leave.

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